Real People, Real Stories,
Real Results

You Can Inspire Others!

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And we will add your story to our page!

Share your story

The BNspired platform is created to inspire our family, friends, and anyone considering or who has previously had Weight Loss Surgery (WLS).

Every Journey Is Special

Only you have lived your story, and we aspire to provide a platform for a wide selection of your incredible efforts, the challenges you have overcome, and the successes of having Bariatric Surgery. 

We Are Not Alone

When you share your WLS journey and how it has impacted you, you show people they are not alone. Your story can show that overcoming any WLS difficulties is possible and raises the opportunity for connection. 

Become Empowered

BN Healthy is committed to delivering a safe community to share your story. We strive to break down the stigma around obesity and bariatric surgery with ethical, individual storytelling.

Please help build our BNspiring stories, sharing some aspects of your journey to empowerment. In the end, we all become stories – and your story matters!

Do your research, be prepared for things to be hard and know that it is not the easy way out. Often we hear this from other people, but it is not! 

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Learn your food triggers. Stay hydrated. Don't look at this like "another diet" because it's not (you can still have cake!!) Start to view food as fuel and find ways to keep your meals interesting by trying new recipes and sharing them.

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I love inspiring others that's why I share my journey on instagram at @katy2.022

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I am able to participate more. My favourite past time is pole fitness which I'm able enjoy even more.

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I feel so much healthier. The hardest changing my mind set on my body image size and excepting complements from people.

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Do your research and surround yourself with positive people to encourage the lifestyle change you are making

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It's time to BNspired!

Fill the form, clicking the button below, write your experience and every month we will add your story here!

Best Sellers

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BN Caps - Bariatric Multivitamin Capsules & BN Cal
BN Caps - Bariatric Multivitamin Capsules & BN Cal
BN Caps - Bariatric Multivitamin Capsules & BN Cal
BN Caps - Bariatric Multivitamin Capsules & BN Cal
BN Caps - Bariatric Multivitamin Capsules & BN Cal
BN Caps - Bariatric Multivitamin Capsules & BN Cal
BN Caps - Bariatric Multivitamin Capsules & BN Cal
BN Caps - Bariatric Multivitamin Capsules & BN Cal
BN Caps - Bariatric Multivitamin Capsules & BN Cal
BN Caps - Bariatric Multivitamin Capsules & BN Cal