Quick Chicken Cacciatore


2 garlic cloves, oregano
1 onion
2 celery stalks, 2 carrots
810g potatoes
60g pitted kalamata olives
2 large free-range chicken breast fillets
2x 390g diced tomatoes
sea salt and pepper
40g butter
80ml (1/3 cup) Milk
50g (1/3 cup) plain flour
60ml (1/4 cup) olive oil
2 tsp balsamic vinegar
1 tsp sugar


Crush and finely chop the garlic
Coarsely chop the carrots
Chop onions, oregano,
Cut the olives into halves
Cut celery in half lengthwise, then finely chop
Cut the potatoes into 2c pieces
Cook and Mash Potato – add 30g Butter

Cut chicken breasts into 4 and slice in half
Coat chicken in plain four
And cook until brown on both sides
remove from pan
Add all vegetables and cook til soft
Add the tomatoes and oregano an cook til integrates
Insert Chicken into the sauce
Cook covered for another 5 min or until chicken is cooked through